Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Circle Eight: The Fortune Tellers and Diviners

From where I was standing, I had a clear view of what was below Virgil and I. It was as if they were all moving in a funeral procession. Sobs could be heard as they moved at their slow pace. Upon closer inspection, I could see that their faces were distorted. Not only that, but their heads were attached to their necks backward.

These were the fortune tellers. Because they had looked forward in life, they must now always look behind them. I don't believe that anyone has ever been seen who looked so disfigured. Seeing human beings so distorted and miserable made me upset. They didn't even have the comfort of crying down their fronts. I began to weep at the sight of their monstrous bodies.

My guide again reprimanded me for my emotion and reminded me not to question God's judgement. He didn't seem to be as struck by visuals as I did. This was all new to me. He had time to grow accustomed to Hell. I didn't think that he was being fair, yet I knew he was right. We had to press on and I had to gain more confidence with dealing with my surroundings. Though Hell was terrifying, what I might see in the future, in Heaven, even if it is grand, could cause me just as much shock.

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