Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Circle Two: The Carnal

Minos is a terrible creature. His smile contorts to his face in a way that perfectly exemplifies the pleasure he receives from sending sinners to their fate. I watched him wrap his tail around himself three times when faced with a male sinner. He even warned me with his fanged smile. Virgil said that I should take no note of him though.

After passing Minos, I was in Hell completely. Here, I met those who committed sins of the flesh. These people chose physicality over reason while they were on Earth. They spun in and endless whirlwind. Once again, my curiosity took over and I asked my guide if I could speak with them. He complied.

These souls were Paolo and Francesca. While reading the story of Lancelot together, they paused over a very romantic moment and kissed. Paolo's older brother wasn't pleased with this at all because of ties he had to Francesca.

This struck me. Love seemed to be ultimately good. Beatrice and I had shared love and we hadn't ended up in such a place. These two had merely stolen a kiss over a passionate scene. This worry and confusion overtook me, and once again, onto Hell's floor I fainted.

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