Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Circle Six: The Heretics

I could tell that Virgil was trying to hide his worry and disappointment. He didn't want to let me down. He didn't want our journey to end. He was struck by the situation. He knew what had been promised to him and me and expected to get through this wasteland. While he stood in worry, considering that not many from his level of Hell have ever made it down here, I saw something that caught my eye.

Three winged creatures, covered in matted and dirty fur appeared. Blood, being released from their breasts by their own claws, added to their filth and gave them a rusty appearance. Their limbs were athletic and strong, but not bulging like a man's might. In addition, their mannerisms also implied that they were female. Snakes and serpents adorned their waists and heads.

Upon seeing me, they cried to each other that they should get Medusa to turn me to stone. My guide grabbed me, and with urgency told me not to open my eyes. Either he didn't trust my curious nature, which might have been for the best, or he cared a great deal about the success of this trip, for he covered my eyes himself as well.

Suddenly, a noise quite different cracked the constant soundtrack of Hell. Every creature, every animal, and every human ran for shelter. I wondered what they could be scared of considering what they encountered daily. Then I realized, it must be a Heavenly presence. Virgil made a sign to me that I should bow, which I did. He approached the gate of Dis and with a wave of a wand, he opened it. Without a look at us he left through the water, the way he had entered.

My guide and I entered the city, unopposed. Though, I wasn't ready for such sights. There were tombs spread out in every direction. Instead of their purpose being for rest, their purpose was for pain. Fire burned in a ring around each tomb. This caused the tombs to glow red with head, eternally baking their residents to blackened crisps.Virgil explained that there were men piled into each tomb, all suffering together. Just as they had worshiped falsely together, they burn together. The temperature of each tomb is based on the degree of their sin. Their screams caused me to clutch my heart, but I moved on.

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